Excitement and Change Highlight 2019 TRGA Season

It started in 1996. Now, almost a quarter-century later, the Three Rivers Golf Association is one of the top tournament associations in the United States.  And it's still improving. This season, entry fees have been reduced to $40.00 per event (down from $50). Players who compete in 5 regular-season events will play a 6th regular-season event for free. In addition, players will continue to receive a voucher for a free round of golf at each course where they enter a tournament. And the TRGA will again award gift certificates to top finishers in all flights. "The TRGA is providing a fantastic value for golfers in the La Crosse area" said Wisconsin State Golf Association Tournament Director Bill Linneman. "I can't imagine a better deal anywhere else."

The TRGA season will consist of 10 regular-season events, starting on April 13th. It will end with the 36-hole TRGA Championship Tournament on August 24th and 25th. To be eligible to compete in the Championship, a golfer must play in at least 3 regular-season events.

The TRGA is providing a fantastic value for golfers in the La Crosse area. I can't imagine a better deal anywhere else.
- Bill Linneman, Wisconsin State Golf Association Tournament Director

The TRGA features 12 outstanding golf courses and a variety of flights so players compete against each other based on their ability. "It's the opportunity to play with different people on different courses in a competitive but really fun environment" said Kevin Drewiske. "In 2017 the TRGA was my first experience playing tournament golf" said Onalaska native Matt Hoehn. "I really enjoy meeting younger and older players and players like me who hadn't played in tournaments before. I've totally enjoyed learning how players approach the game. I would say come out and play!"

While the tournament value and quality of courses are great, according to long-time TRGA member Steve Crogan, the best thing about the TRGA just might be the relationships. "When I started playing in 1996, I didn't know anybody, now I know just about everyone. In fact the best friends that I have in life have come to me through golf, and the TRGA is a huge part of that."

... the best friends that I have in life have come to me through golf, and the TRGA is a huge part of that.
- Steve Crogan, TRGA Member since 1996

For more information on the 2019 TRGA season, contact TRGA Executive Director Jim Socha at 608-792-4774 or at jmsocha@viterbo.edu.

Entry forms can be found at: www.trgagolf.com


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